I’ve published a new story on the Coding with Empathy blog. Here’s an intro. The power of one There’s nothing like being able to work on a project by yourself and having complete control of every single aspect of the solution. Everything from the front-end stack to the storage. Using the latest and greatest frameworks and libraries. This is heaven for any software developer. But regardless of any of the above technology-focused aspects, there is one major advantage being that single developer, namely: speed!

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As part of my quest to be exceptional, I’ve been searching to discover what I’m passionate about as a software developer. I feel a pull in so many directions, but I guess that’s natural given our profession and the diversity we’re exposed to. Some people have found their calling and are producing wonderful content that provides tremendous value to others. What I’ve been wanting to do is figure out what my special sauce is.

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Moving the blog

I’ve just moved the blog from the free wordpress.com site to a hosted vps-variant on pavsaund.com. I see there are some visual differences in the theme, but I think most of the content has been moved as expected. Please do let me know if there’s anything that doesn’t seem to be working.  Need to figure out if there’s a way to set up a permanent redirect 301 from the old blog. I see that there’s a paid service, but I don’t really have a lot of traffic.

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I’ve been a SOLID1 fan of TDD over many years and have spent a lot of time drilling myself in writing tests first to drive applications forward. I truly believe I have been at a place where my BIT has been FLIPPED. There are occasions though when attempting to write tests first have just been hard and completing a feature with test-first has been a record in will power and what felt like an eternity to deliver a feature. But if it was easy then everyone would be doing it.

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Let me introduce you to Skybert (pronounced Sheeburt, for those of that haven’t grown up in Norway). He’s my imaginary developer-friend currently working at Mega Enterprise Inc Ltd Corp. He’s been butting heads with the lead developer, Jack,  for a while now. They don’t seem to be seeing eye to eye on a feature that Skybert implemented. You see, Jack doesn’t like how Skybert writes his code. Formatting is wrong and he uses way too long variable names, and he doesn’t write a single comment and…(list goes on)! Jack hates reviewing Skyberts code. Skybert usually gets his code back from Jack, with a long list of TODOs. So Skybert goes off to re-do most of his work just to give it back to Jack…When Jack’s finally happy with the code; It adheres to his preferred coding style and uses the correct enterprise patterns that have been decided upon. He allows it through the magic gates to master.

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Javasript Fatigue

We’ve been joking a long time about the rate new technologies arise and how we as software developers need to keep abreast of the new so we don’t get completely outdated and irrelevant. With web development though, we’ve set a new standard.

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Pavneet Singh Saund

👋 I’m Pav. A father, husband and product developer. I care about attending to needs by building better user experiences and finding better ways of working.
Here’s what I’m up to now

Web Developer / User Experience Lead
