Highlights from the Aurelia vNext 2019 fall update
There was a recent blog post with the status of Aurelia vNext. For those of you that don’t know, Aurelia is a front-end framework with a focus on standards, extensibility, ease of use and performance. It’s been a while since a new major release, so vNext is a pretty big deal.
These are some highlights of what I found pretty cool in the latest update:
- Official name: Aurelia 2
- VSCode integration with direct linking between bindables, observables, views, and custom attributes to their backing code representation
- VanillaJS-like performance with JIT (Just in time) optimisations, and new AOT (Ahead of Time) optimisations
- Extensibility that allows you to emulate the syntax of other frameworks, like Angular / Vue etc
- A continuous focus on Web Standards
- Developer Experience has received som pretty considerable features, here are the ones I’m excited about
- More lifecycle hooks, and they are now synchronous. (no more queueMicroTask!)
- New Router 🙌
- Functional API’s
- Multiple Integration scenarios that allow nesting of frameworks, and connecting other libraries directly in the underlying pipeline and more
- Extensive Test Tooling support, helpers and libraries.
The team is focused on keeping the migration path straight forward, though they have mentioned there’ll be a few breaking changes.
A lot of these improvements are raising the bar so high that we’re bound to see more developers discover the joys of using Aurelia, as well as making that transition a lot easier for them with extensibility points.
I’m pretty excited about the future of Aurelia 2, but doubt I’ll be getting my hands dirty just yet. Looking forward to a preview/release candidate before I start testing it out, and more of the WIP features are in place.