Let me introduce you to Skybert (pronounced Sheeburt, for those of that haven’t grown up in Norway). He’s my imaginary developer-friend currently working at Mega Enterprise Inc Ltd Corp. He’s been butting heads with the lead developer, Jack,  for a while now. They don’t seem to be seeing eye to eye on a feature that Skybert implemented. You see, Jack doesn’t like how Skybert writes his code. Formatting is wrong and he uses way too long variable names, and he doesn’t write a single comment and…(list goes on)! Jack hates reviewing Skyberts code. Skybert usually gets his code back from Jack, with a long list of TODOs. So Skybert goes off to re-do most of his work just to give it back to Jack…When Jack’s finally happy with the code; It adheres to his preferred coding style and uses the correct enterprise patterns that have been decided upon. He allows it through the magic gates to master.

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The boy scout rule

Recently I had the discussion with a colleague on how new code was being added to a code-base without maintainability in mind. The discussion was sparked by a code-review that had been ping-ponging between the reviewer and the developer where readability and ( as a result ) maintainability was an issue.

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Pavneet Singh Saund

👋 I’m Pav. A father, husband and product developer. I care about attending to needs by building better user experiences and finding better ways of working.
Here’s what I’m up to now

Web Developer / User Experience Lead
