When exploring some graphql I stumbled over it’s quite special syntax for defining a query gql`query`
. Now this seemed like a nice shorthand way of expressing an inline query, but I just couldn’t understand which construct made this possible. Typescript? Ecmascript 2016? Or maybe some other feature?
There was a recent blog post with the status of Aurelia vNext. For those of you that don’t know, Aurelia is a front-end framework with a focus on standards, extensibility, ease of use and performance. It’s been a while since a new major release, so vNext is a pretty big deal.
There was recently a post on the Aurelia Discourse that caught my attention asking how react-like hooks would work when using Aureliajs. The response from Aurelia’s creator underlined some of the reasons why I trust Aurelia to build JavaScript applications with Aurelia.
We’ve been joking a long time about the rate new technologies arise and how we as software developers need to keep abreast of the new so we don’t get completely outdated and irrelevant. With web development though, we’ve set a new standard.