Microsoft have done a really good job by giving developers a great environment to do their work in; namely the Visual Studio suite with all its variants. This IDE’s intellisense is one of its strongest points, but anyone that’s tried to write javascript code has probably felt a bit lost. Intellisense, brace-highlighting, current variable highlighting, code comments…all gone….until now! Microsoft Corp has just released JScript Editor Extensions, a Visual Studio extension that enables all of the above, along with code outlines.

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Microsoft PDC 09 Videos

Some of you might know that Microsoft recently held its yearly Professional Developer Conference (PDC) in LA. They had an awesome lineup of “stars” lined up to talk about the latest microsft technologies, as well as shedding some light as to the direction in which the technology is progressing. I wasn’t one of the lucky to be there, but I got to watch the live-stream of the keynotes and some of the Channel 9 live stuff.

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Pavneet Singh Saund

👋 I’m Pav. A father, husband and product developer. I care about attending to needs by building better user experiences and finding better ways of working.
Here’s what I’m up to now

Web Developer / User Experience Lead
