Javasript Fatigue

We’ve been joking a long time about the rate new technologies arise and how we as software developers need to keep abreast of the new so we don’t get completely outdated and irrelevant. With web development though, we’ve set a new standard.

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Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC) is a the largest conference in Norway targeting the .NET community. It’s a 3 day conference with 2 days of workshops beforehand. The speaker line-up was also awesome, and the topics offer something for everyone. I’ve had the opportunity of attending the conference and have had 3 intense days of learning, networking and eating… yea, lots of food. Expectations This has been the first time I’ve attended a large conference of this kind, and I didn’t really know what to expect.

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Pavneet Singh Saund

👋 I’m Pav. A father, husband and product developer. I care about attending to needs by building better user experiences and finding better ways of working.
Here’s what I’m up to now

Web Developer / User Experience Lead
